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We help with the start-up of ventures within the sector of forest bio economy in order to generate a sustainable impact in Cuenca and its forests. We train entrepreneurs to be leaders on the path towards the sustainability of our forests.

  1. Full time in person with a duration of 10 months.
  2. Limited places: 35 people
  3. Free


Design, prototype and develop innovative business solutions using the forest as a test environment.


Forest bio economy consists of a series of activities that deliver products and services through the use of eco-efficient and sustainable resources which are both biological and originate from the forest. They share common objectives with the paradigm shift proposed by the circular economy, and represent a great opportunity for professional and business development.

The education and training program provide participants with the tools, knowledge and skills necessary for sustainable entrepreneurship within the field of forest bio economy.

These skills range from the latest trends in ecological forest use and the most advanced design and innovation techniques, to the most practical guidelines on the launch of a business idea and the keys to attract financing. It is developed from a systemic vision of the forest and seeks a multidisciplinary participation.

In this program, a new training model for entrepreneurship in an emerging sector will be tested, and participants will have the opportunity to design, pilot and develop innovative business solutions using the forest as a testing environment.

Why participate in the lab?

One of the branches with the greatest innovative potential of bio economy in Europe is forestry. Forestry proposes a sustainable use of the forest, generating economic fabric and employment in rural areas. This approach tackles forest abandonment and fires, has an important mitigating effect on climate change and can guarantee a safe and stable energy supply.

The incorporation of sustainability in the resource management systems, both of wood and the rest of its by-products, is crucial to forest bio economy. Therefore, it is necessary to develop business models that combine eco-intelligence with sustainable and innovative design solutions.

Cuenca offers excellent employment opportunities and local economic development in this sector. There are many niches of opportunity that can be worked on, such as: construction, biomass, ecotourism and environmental education, agroforestry products, climate change mitigation, technology for forest management, biodiversity and water or chemical derivatives of wood.

Program Content

The program is designed to boost creativity among participants by working on their technical knowledge, their imagination and their entrepreneurial attitude. The main blocks of theoretical and practical content are:


Design and innovation of products and services

We will apply design thinking methodologies and the steps of a creative process in the development of eco-intelligent and profitable solutions, approaching it from concepts of open innovation.


Forest Bio economy

We will address emerging trends in the sector, the business ecosystems of the bioeconomy, new forest-based products, and the business and employment opportunities offered by Cuenca’s forest.



The current framework for the sustainable planet will be reflected upon and shared, and aspects such as the circular economy, ecosystem services, biomimicry, and business sustainability will be explored in depth.



Participants will be helped to develop responsible and creative leadership, teamwork, and 21st century skills such as managing complexity, problem solving and critical thinking.


Entrepreneurship/Start up

We will use tried and tested tools for the agile development of new companies adapted to the reality of the forestry enterprise, the circular economy, and the type of investors that exist in the sector.


The method used is project-based learning and the principle of "learning by doing", based on creativity, group work and prototyping of products and services.

The contents will be taught by focusing on real challenges faced in Cuenca’s forest and the final objective is to help entrepreneurs develop a business idea in the final phase.


On-site and online training


Individual and group tutoring


Group work in equipped laboratories


Individual coaching for the development of personal skills


Final project to implement a business idea


Mentoring for business development

Learning by doing

Aimed at...

  1. People with motivation towards entrepreneurship and business activity.
  2. No previous experience or studies related to the sector are required.
  3. People with business ideas around the forest-based bioeconomy in Cuenca
  4. People with business ideas around the forest-based bioeconomy of Cuenca
  5. Residents of the European Union

Public and private partnership

This program forms part of a European project which the city of Cuenca has put into action with the collaboration of a group of public and private associates from Cuenca and the rest of Spain. It is coordinated by the City Council of Cuenca and Khora Urban Thinkers, sl.

The University of Castilla La Mancha, across its 36 departments, leads the technical blocks in the different areas affecting forest bioeconomy.

The Instituto Europeo di Design, is an educational institution specialised in design and creativity with more than 50 years of experience with offices in Spain, Italy and Brazil. It will lead training in design, innovation, leadership and start ups as well as accompanying group-based projects.

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), is an international non-governmental organization that has certified nearly 200 million hectares of forests in 82 countries. FSC participates in training in forest certification models and sustainable forest management

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) a través de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Montes, Forestal y Medio Natural que liderará los bloques de emprendimiento y aceleración de proyectos basados en bioeconomía forestal

CEOE CEPYME Cuenca will provide experience in training to entrepreneurs and support for the creation of companies

Department of Sustainable Development JCCM. Regional administration in charge of executing environmental, forestry, industrial, energy, circular economy, 2030 Agenda, consumption and territorial cohesion public politics.

ACMSA. Municipal company for the transformation of forest products (wood) from the public ownership forests of the Cuenca City Council.

Programme sheet


Start date:: 

Febrero 2021



 Training Module (5 months) + Incubation Module (4 months)






Free. Unemployed persons will receive a scholarship to cover their personal expenses. In case of not being residents in Cuenca, maintenance and accommodation expenses will also be covered



Spanish, although there may be documents and texts in English



Institute of Technology, Construction and Telecommunications of Cuenca. Address: Pedro Almodóvar Street, 1, 16002 Cuenca (compulsory attendance)



Morning (theoretical training) and afternoon (practical group work)


Aimed at:

People with an entrepreneurial spirit. No specific training is required



Calle de Pedro Almodóvar, 1, 16002 Cuenca


+34 670003607


Be part of us!